Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lesson Review 10/11/15

Taught by Gaye Frandsen

When you think of leadership, who do you think of?
-RS president
-stake president

Who is Kal? Kal is one of Sister Frandsen's work supervisors that still to this day she absolutely loves! He was a wonderful leader and knew how to bring their team together. One time when they were really busy and started to break down, Kal had his team do a "Festivas." During Festivas, each member of Kal's team shared what was stressing them out. After everyone shared, they all were feeling better just by sharing and relating to each other, but then Kal took his turn. Instead of sharing what was stressing him, he shared the reasons each person on the team was needed and why they were wonderful to work with! He lead with love and brought unity to the team.

What are some common values of good leaders?
-strong testimony
-good example
-overcame hard trials that have made them better
-makes people stretch and grow
-creates loyally and unity

Christ is our ultimate example of leadership. "The power of Christ’s leadership grew from the challenge of His example. His clarion call was, “Come, follow me!” … His [success in gaining] the loyalty and devotion of men to principles of righteousness depend[ed] upon love as the great motivating factor. He helped us realize that the godlike qualities in each of us clamoring for expression can become glorious living realities. His example continues as the greatest hope and strength of mankind."

Sister Frandsen closed by challenging each of us to do one this week that will bring us closer to Christ. Strengthen your relationship with Him! He loves you and if you come unto Him, He will be able to lead you to where you need to be.


Next week's lesson: