Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lesson Review 11/8/15

Principles of Temporal and Spiritual Welfare
Taught by Gaye Frandsen

"In 1936, as people all over the world struggled with the economic challenges of the Great Depression, the First Presidency introduced a new welfare program. This program, called the Church Security Plan, was established not to provide handouts for people in need but “to help the people to help themselves.” As the First Presidency and other Church leaders established this program, they taught foundational principles of hard work, self-reliance, and service. They encouraged Church members to pay tithing and fast offerings, produce and store food, avoid unnecessary debt, and save money for future needs."

"It is important that we keep our thinking straight, my brothers and sisters. Let us ever keep in mind that all material things are but a means to an end, that the end is spiritual, although the Lord is anxious and willing to bless his people temporally. He has so indicated in many of the revelations. He has pointed out, time and time again, that we should pray over our crops, over our livestock, over our households, our homes, and invoke the Lord’s blessings upon our material affairs. And he has promised that he will be there and ready and willing to bless us...

"...The Lord will not do for us what we can and should do for ourselves. But it is his purpose to take care of his Saints. Everything that concerns the economic, social, and spiritual welfare of the human family is and ever will be the concern of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

What do you get out of a good days work?
-knowledge, able to become more efficient 
-a sense of relief

How do you teach your kids to work?
-work with them
-it helps if they are excited to learn
- be an example
-attitude (be excited to teach them, but it is also okay for them to know it isn't always fun!)
-teach them independence 

What are some things we can do/have to be prepared?
-build up a food/water storage
-have a 72-hour kit for your family 
-grow your own garden (produce your own food)
-get out of debt/ live within your means
-build up your savings

"Be faithful, my brothers and sisters, to this counsel and you will be blessed—yes, the most blessed people in all the earth. You are good people. I know that. But all of us need to be better than we are. Let us be in a position so we are able to not only feed ourselves through the home production and storage, but others as well"

Sister Frandsen ended by challenging us to be a little better. Find something you can do (build up more food storage, give more at fast offerings, save more, spend less, etc.) this moth to be better! We all need to be ready and there is always more we can do. 

Next week: